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Joined: 04 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:19 am  Post subject:  The Ultimate 1-99 Mining Guide Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Welcome to my mining guide. I have 85 mine and know many things about mining. This is my favorite skill. In this guide, I'll show you the best ways to earn levels, to make money, some mine sites, how to powermine, and even the mining inorder approximate level extract ore in 1 hit.The only two ores that you can extract from the beginning are Tin and copper. Mine Tin or copper. Once you acheive level 6, try to get a steel Pickaxe. Pick what you use will affect how fast you will get an ore. At level 21, try to get a pickaxe mithril, for speed.Even better than you now can use a pickaxe mithril, why not try iron mines? You can bank or some profit-taking or about simply letting them fall and continue mining has also known as the powermining. It does not take long to acheive level 41.

Congratulations to have at this point! You are now on your way to becoming a Director of mines! I assume that you now have a Rune Pickaxe, so we are going to go further, do we? You have a few options to choose from. Coal, silver or gold, or continue with the iron. I suggest iron, however, because it is better and faster xp. If you want to make a profit, then go-coal or gold. Behond level 50, you will be able to extract the iron at a glance! So the race will be a piece of cake. The only downside to this is that you mine railway all the way to 99. It will take some time and perhaps annoying. It will take more than 1 million clicks to acheive 99.You level can extract the Tin or copper to make a profit. But mining clay, is even better. You can retrieve a complete inventory of clay and get the water to turn into soft clay. This will make you even more money.

You can now retrieve the ore into the list! Iron! It is a good material to sell because it Seels fast enough and is of 100 each! It is 2.8 K per load! Coal is more expensive due to the fact that it is demand of the forge. Almost all need to at least 2 coal bars. Money coal mine go crazy making benefits! It's around 170-175gp each. It is 4, 760-4, 900 per load.Now you can enter the mining Guild, why does not the extraction of coal a little more or same mithril. There are a whole bunch of coal and ores of mithril more in the Guild. There are more than 30 coal and 5 mithril. And the best part is that it is farly near a bank! In this way, you can place your minerals and continue with mining.You can now leverage addy at this level.

Congratulations for making it so far. You can now retrieve Runite-probably the most expensive raw material in the match. It is the evolution of the price every day, but it is usually around 15.5 17.0 k - k. The only problem is that you can retrieve in Runite level 46 desert. The best way on the way in which the mine is hip world. It takes up to 25 minutes to reappear, it is therefore recommended to the hip world. Try to connect to the number following world from your recent in the world. For example: If you undermined Runite in the 94 world, then try to connect to 95 or 93. In addition, each time you log in to a world does not mean that the two ores Runite will be there. He could of have already been exploited by someone else. There is plenty of competition out there. Be aware of ghosts that can attack you, also.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:31 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:53 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

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Age: 34
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:04 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Little Alice was heartbroken when her pet canary (1) died, and to soften the blow, her father gave her a cigar box for a coffin and assisted in burying the canary in the back yard.“Daddy.” Whispered Little Alice after the funeral, “Will my dear little birdie (2) go to Heaven?”“I expect so,” replied her father.”Why?”“I was only thinking,” murmured (3) Little Alice,”how cross (4) St. Peter will be when he opens the box and discovers there are no cigars in it.”

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